Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Protein and its benefits for fat loss


Proteins are large biological molecules consisting of one or more manacles of amino acids. BCAA's and EAA's are common terms for broken down protein types, which you'll hear brands and trainers go on about.
Proteins may be purified from other cellular components using a variety of techniques such as ultracentrifugation, precipitation, electrophoresis, and chromatography, the advent of genetic engineering has made possible a number of methods to facilitate purification, but to Mr and Mrs smith this means nothing so how exactly can protein help you lose fat??

Some people now turn to higher-protein diets to lose weight. Almost all researchers mow suggest that higher-protein diets help people better control their appetites and calorie eating.Every food vendor in the known universe appears to want a piece of the 'new' protein pie, with marketing now turning to high protein yogurts and foods etc to portray a healthy diet food, so now it isnt just 'Bodybuilders'  snatching, grabbing, and gulping down protein shakes. Dieters are gobbling down protein rich foods in hopes of quick weight loss.



Abridged thermodynamic efficiency will result in increased fat loss, yea basically you create more heat from protein than fat consumption equaling a higher metabolic rate, good times! This is because it takes more energy to break down and reassemble into cells! So a high protein meal can increase your metabolic rate massively whilst not even exercising! By the way you still gotta exercise fool!
The laws of thermodynamics are not complete on the existence of variable thermodynamic efficiency in metabolic processes, some may argue DIT works, some will argue against, i personally agree that it works. Therefore such variability is permitted and can be related to differences in weight lost, hence another reason why it may effect one person better than the other!
Thermogenic means, to produce heat, and the term is commonly applied to drugs which increase heat through metabolic stimulation. In bodybuilding, or health 'circles' people wishing to lose fat use drugs which are thermogenic to increase their basal metabolic rate, (BMR) thereby increasing their energy expenditure.
Caffeine and ephedrine are commonly used for this purpose also more recently more hardcore under the counter drugs such as  clenburtrual and thyroid drugs. Pretty much all pre workout or fat lose drugs for the average person contains caffeine and little more, over priced yes, will they work? Maybe slightly, but a protein meal will probably due the same.


The simple fact is when you eat a high protein meal you do not produce a similar insulin response as you would with carbohydrates and because of this you cannot store fat (lipogensis) from the meal. Great, what else though? Any increase in insulin from an influx of amino acids (think broken down protein) will gear your body to release energy from none carbohydrate sources - muscle and fat! Well you don't want to lose muscle so if you're already eating high protein and doing exercise to stimulate and engage your muscles then guess what... You assist in fat loss! Plus if you're controlling (not dropping carbs) then you'll also release ketones which again oxidize fat, bye bye fatty! Thought I'd simplify this point instead of bio chemistry which confuses the life out of most!


Metabolism is the method of breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to acquiesce the energy to body needs to maintain it. The rate of metabolism depends on the interface between the number of calories eat. The number of calories people burn while eating and exercising, and the calories they burn based on individuals genetic makeup. We know that from the fragile assistance from exercise. One of the main benefits of exercise is that it increases lean tissue in the body, good old muscle!!
Lean tissue includes muscle, bone, and internal organs mostly everything in the body apart from fat. But we tend to lose lean tissue as we age, (general lack of exercise and lower hormones which retain muscle) So having a high protein VARIED diet, rich in different protein sources such as Leucine (very important amino) you not only retain your lean tissue whilst dieting but you can INCREASE it!! Fat loss and muscle gain... Hello!!
Btw... This is why crash dieting, juicing, 500 calorie crap shitty diets mess you up... You lower your overall BMR and then when you stop you have a metabolic rebound in fat stores, lower need for calories and oh no shape, just fat hanging off you!! Miley Cyprus #badtimes


This is because protein meals help shut down hunger signals through messages exchanged between the digestive system and brain through a function called 
gluconeogenesis (feeling full after your roast dinner?) and ontop of that it  reduces the insulin spike and crash from carb only meals which in turn result in hungerrrr, so boom that's a good start! also to note, high protein meals help stabilize blood fats, (energy) so less drops in energy levels and moods etc

Very important note on LEPTIN as well, a hormone not many know about or have maybe heard of. Leptin pretty much tells your brain your not hungry when in high levels, leptin resistance stops your brain knowing this, even if you have high cellular levels. (as mr/mrs brain) can't actually 'see' your love handles. Leptin resistance is directly linked to overeating constantly and linked to over consumption of..... carbohydrates!?!?! Sugar mainly or fast acting carbs!

I've added this in because research has shown an increase in protein levels within ones diet can increase leptin sensitivity and guess what... Make you feel less hungry and restore balance between brain and body.  4 reasons nailed quickly as too why mrs normal needs protein and shouldn't be following government guidelines or those old food pyramids I still see with carbs at the bottom.
I hope this hasn't been to over wrote and helps some with their dieting methods and eating habits.

Brodie x

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