Monday, 16 September 2013

High Intensity Interval Training - The Reasons Why

If you want to burn fat in an effective way without spending too much time then high intensity interval training is the perfect option for you! High Intensity Interval Training is also known as HIIT. It is a special training method where you do high intensity circuits for a shorter period of time with taking small time intervals between each exercise for example. The training session lasts from as little as 4 to 20 minutes, with the latter really pushing your ability to the max!

The term high intensity means giving low recovery time to the body from an exercise(s). Less recovery time will massively cause an adaptation within your body through several means which produce results that almost every modern study has confirmed is much greater than traditional training you often see. It is an indirect cardiovascular training method as you're not directly training for an cardiovascular event such as a triathlon like on the news at the weekend just past and provides excellent functional results to normal persons, as most aren't elite athletes.

As you know, the glucose is metabolized and converted into fats in our body, think Haribo sweets, zero fat but high sugar and you know you're gonna get chunky if you eat them day in day out! So to remove fats already stored it is essential to stop this metabolism procedure, drum roll.... High Intensity Interval Training! So guess what does this during and post workout... (Burns fat shhh) Exactly!

So now you get the basic idea you must be thinking why you should do this and how it will help you. Some people think that high intensity interval training is for athletes but the fact is that it is essential for all normal people like yourselves reading this. Simple things such as  stress factors are increasing, with depression rates at they're highest recorded rate, so if you want to be stress free and healthy, (loving life basically) this will help you! For example every in knowledge 'fitness' doctor I've spoke with and read about is convinced with this method as long as you're within your personal limitations and injury free then HIIT is the time affording method which burns fat like no other system. They suggest having personal or group training for this kind of exercise,think meta fit which has grown massively for groups or bespoke programs designed around you from PT for enhanced quicker results.

Now let’s discuss the benefits of this type of training

Here you have the benefits of 11 hours of normal training in only 3.5 hours, yes you read that right, and thats being conservative! So, you can understand the ratio easily. The same amount of biochemical and metabolism change is observed in only 3.5 hours, in simple terms, 2 weeks instead of 2 months, hell yea!! It also improves the oxygen consumption hugely with massive increases in vo2 max, It has been proved that high intensity training helps to burn fat quicker and for much longer, (upto 24 hours increased metabolic rate afterwards) And importantly glucose tolerance factor is improved which is responsible for maintaining a healthy Insulin level and sensitivity, there's more.... When the muscles are enhanced, there's an acceleration of body fat oxidation which takes place constantly and insulin secretion occurs more methodically, no highs and lows. For cardio vascular diseases, it is very also helpful in terms for health, due to more oxygen supplies to the blood vessels and heart, helping prevent cardiac attacks and lung disorders like COPD which is increasing common these days.

Now are you wondering whether you can you do it alone at home?

The short answer is no, not without experience and assessment. High intensity intensive training is a specialist job and everyone should be guided by a trainer versed in the principles and experienced in training clients, that doesn't mean because a trainer has a level 3 certificate is right, research your trainer! Over the years I've seen too many poor trainers who don't know their ar*e from elbow, so don't fall for their marketing or pressure,  There are a number of eminent and efficient trainers who provide online training, again research them, ask for references is possible, remember its your health and your body!

If you are looking for more cost effective training, then you can opt for group training too, but remember you're in a group so be careful if you're new. The main objective is to learn the interval training techniques. Training is decided according to one’s body fat, previous health history (blood pressure), injuries, training history and goals! Only a decent trainer can tell the right path, without knowing the right method, you can harm yourself.

So remember interval training can be a genie for you if you do it the right way. So, don’t waste your time sat on the bike reading the newspaper and drinking that 'energy drink' and find the next level in your personal quest for body improvement! Happy training!


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Protein and its benefits for fat loss


Proteins are large biological molecules consisting of one or more manacles of amino acids. BCAA's and EAA's are common terms for broken down protein types, which you'll hear brands and trainers go on about.
Proteins may be purified from other cellular components using a variety of techniques such as ultracentrifugation, precipitation, electrophoresis, and chromatography, the advent of genetic engineering has made possible a number of methods to facilitate purification, but to Mr and Mrs smith this means nothing so how exactly can protein help you lose fat??

Some people now turn to higher-protein diets to lose weight. Almost all researchers mow suggest that higher-protein diets help people better control their appetites and calorie eating.Every food vendor in the known universe appears to want a piece of the 'new' protein pie, with marketing now turning to high protein yogurts and foods etc to portray a healthy diet food, so now it isnt just 'Bodybuilders'  snatching, grabbing, and gulping down protein shakes. Dieters are gobbling down protein rich foods in hopes of quick weight loss.



Abridged thermodynamic efficiency will result in increased fat loss, yea basically you create more heat from protein than fat consumption equaling a higher metabolic rate, good times! This is because it takes more energy to break down and reassemble into cells! So a high protein meal can increase your metabolic rate massively whilst not even exercising! By the way you still gotta exercise fool!
The laws of thermodynamics are not complete on the existence of variable thermodynamic efficiency in metabolic processes, some may argue DIT works, some will argue against, i personally agree that it works. Therefore such variability is permitted and can be related to differences in weight lost, hence another reason why it may effect one person better than the other!
Thermogenic means, to produce heat, and the term is commonly applied to drugs which increase heat through metabolic stimulation. In bodybuilding, or health 'circles' people wishing to lose fat use drugs which are thermogenic to increase their basal metabolic rate, (BMR) thereby increasing their energy expenditure.
Caffeine and ephedrine are commonly used for this purpose also more recently more hardcore under the counter drugs such as  clenburtrual and thyroid drugs. Pretty much all pre workout or fat lose drugs for the average person contains caffeine and little more, over priced yes, will they work? Maybe slightly, but a protein meal will probably due the same.


The simple fact is when you eat a high protein meal you do not produce a similar insulin response as you would with carbohydrates and because of this you cannot store fat (lipogensis) from the meal. Great, what else though? Any increase in insulin from an influx of amino acids (think broken down protein) will gear your body to release energy from none carbohydrate sources - muscle and fat! Well you don't want to lose muscle so if you're already eating high protein and doing exercise to stimulate and engage your muscles then guess what... You assist in fat loss! Plus if you're controlling (not dropping carbs) then you'll also release ketones which again oxidize fat, bye bye fatty! Thought I'd simplify this point instead of bio chemistry which confuses the life out of most!


Metabolism is the method of breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to acquiesce the energy to body needs to maintain it. The rate of metabolism depends on the interface between the number of calories eat. The number of calories people burn while eating and exercising, and the calories they burn based on individuals genetic makeup. We know that from the fragile assistance from exercise. One of the main benefits of exercise is that it increases lean tissue in the body, good old muscle!!
Lean tissue includes muscle, bone, and internal organs mostly everything in the body apart from fat. But we tend to lose lean tissue as we age, (general lack of exercise and lower hormones which retain muscle) So having a high protein VARIED diet, rich in different protein sources such as Leucine (very important amino) you not only retain your lean tissue whilst dieting but you can INCREASE it!! Fat loss and muscle gain... Hello!!
Btw... This is why crash dieting, juicing, 500 calorie crap shitty diets mess you up... You lower your overall BMR and then when you stop you have a metabolic rebound in fat stores, lower need for calories and oh no shape, just fat hanging off you!! Miley Cyprus #badtimes


This is because protein meals help shut down hunger signals through messages exchanged between the digestive system and brain through a function called 
gluconeogenesis (feeling full after your roast dinner?) and ontop of that it  reduces the insulin spike and crash from carb only meals which in turn result in hungerrrr, so boom that's a good start! also to note, high protein meals help stabilize blood fats, (energy) so less drops in energy levels and moods etc

Very important note on LEPTIN as well, a hormone not many know about or have maybe heard of. Leptin pretty much tells your brain your not hungry when in high levels, leptin resistance stops your brain knowing this, even if you have high cellular levels. (as mr/mrs brain) can't actually 'see' your love handles. Leptin resistance is directly linked to overeating constantly and linked to over consumption of..... carbohydrates!?!?! Sugar mainly or fast acting carbs!

I've added this in because research has shown an increase in protein levels within ones diet can increase leptin sensitivity and guess what... Make you feel less hungry and restore balance between brain and body.  4 reasons nailed quickly as too why mrs normal needs protein and shouldn't be following government guidelines or those old food pyramids I still see with carbs at the bottom.
I hope this hasn't been to over wrote and helps some with their dieting methods and eating habits.

Brodie x

Monday, 9 September 2013

Carbohydrates and Insulin - their importance with human function or dysfunction.

Carbohydrates are found in a range of foods—bread, milk, beans, popcorn, potatoes, pasta, cookies, soft drinks, wheat, even cherry pie, you name it, it's in most foods at some level! They also come in a range of forms, the most typical & abundant forms are sugars & starches. Also fibre but this article doesn't focus on dietary fibre.

Carbohydrates are body's primary resource of energy and most the world eat it with every single meal. When you eat carbohydrates, the enzyme amylase transforms them into glucose, also known as blood sugar! This is the primary energy that the body utilizes to power all cellular activity. The brain, heart, kidneys & muscles all require carbohydrates to function correctly.

Insulin and its importance

Insulin control

Beta cells make a very important hormone inside the pancreas, its called insulin. When the meal enters the digestive system, it stimulates the discharge of insulin from the beta cells. The merged effects of hormones from the intestinal tract and the rising blood sugar level maintain the release & formation of insulin. So to simplify every meal produces an insulin effect!

Insulin is incredibly important to every person regardless of your health conditions, so when insulin levels aren't balanced, you can experience low blood glucose episodes, (going hypo as its commonly known) gain much more weight than you should normally even though you're 'dieting' as much as you can & not lose one single pound of fatty tissue and also feel very tired & unable to be productive, lethargic anyone?

Effect of excess carbohydrates (generally sugar) and insulin on health
Eating excess carbohydrates regularly are very harmful and negative for human health. It can cause people gain fat, produce disease such as fatty liver disease and heart disease through constant inflammation and insulin resistance as well as will contribute to poor general health and you guessed it... decreased life expectancy!

Insulin resistance is a biological condition in which tissues fail to respond to the regular actions of the hormone insulin. The body generates insulin, but the tissues in the body become immune to insulin & are unable to utilize it as efficiently, resulting in hyperglycemia.  Again to simplify - you eat carbs all day long over a consistent period the above will eventually happen!! Beta cells in the pancreas then consequently increase their generation of insulin, further contributing to hyperinsulinemia, also known as pre-diabetes. This frequently remains undetected as side effects aren't pronounced & can contribute to a diagnosis of Diabetes Type 11 which if you have a quick google scan is a horrid condition.

The main side effect of taking excess of insulin over a long period of time is gaining weight. Chromium is crucial to blood sugar metabolism & as a diabetic you can be fairly sure that you're severely lacking in this nutrient. Calcium & Magnesium are also depleted by surplus insulin that can cause many difficulties, as they're important to over 200 biochemical procedures in your body, yes 200 not 2!!
Other very essential nutrients that excess insulin  causes you to be lacking in are Zinc, Vitamin E, Selenium, Vitamin C, B Complex vitamins, Vanadium, crucial fatty acids.

SO basically again for the average reader, if you eat cereal for breakfast, chips for lunch pasta for dinner and then have a couple packets of crisps whilst watching Telly in the evening you are likely massively suffering from a like of micro-nutrients in your diet.

Scare method over....

Insulin control is obtained through balancing protein & carbohydrates at each meal. Among the most important methods to maintain insulin levels is to eat less carbohydrates at any one meal. Though carbohydrate has a strong effect on stimulating insulin, protein could also stimulate its release.

You MUST have some protein at each meal. (Another article) Protein's primary hormonal role is to stimulate the release of glucagon that is a mobilization hormone. Glucagon also does a real great job on managing insulin output as it forces your body to release energy stored in fat mainly, boom check mate!!

Thus, if you really want to control your insulin, protein is what you require. By consuming mainly low density carbohydrates, including fruits & vegetables, you set up an organic control system which helps control the total volume of carbohydrates being eaten at any one meal. Always select low fat sources of protein including chicken, fish, turkey, low fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, lean red meat or even soybean based products.

I hope this wasn't too brain intensive but the facts are there, get to it troopers!!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Traditional Cardio Is A Waste Of Time.... For Most!!

In my first ever blog I thought I'd write a short article on steady state cardiovascular training and the reasons why you SHOULD NOT BE WASTING YOUR TIME - to summarise this basically means steady repeated movements over a period of 30 minutes or so, for example; jogging, sitting or a stationary bike reading the local newspaper or similar exercises.

The reason why - because day in day out for year after year I've seen thousands personally do this with no real results in changes in body composition (lower fat levels, better body shape) and lets be honest 95% off the population physically training try to look and feel better which impacts every part of their life's!

Why is this you may think?
Simple, your body adapts and mutates very quickly!! Within two weeks its adapted a huge amount and fat oxidation (fat burning) is minimised as its using what you already have better! Plus on a huge down side, if your nutritional requirements aren't met through a framework or at least some guidance and stress isn't put onto muscles not being used you'll naturally lose them and possible create muscular imbalances which over time produce injuries and chronic pain (remember your body adapts so why would it keep something it doesn't need, or move in a way it hasn't been told too)!

The simple fix - stop spending all your efforts being a hamster and start being an animal ready to tear that body apart aggressively through a varied exercises types working all the major muscle groups and create an environment which pushes change, faster and more than 'cardiovascular' work ever ever EVER will alone,

So unless you're in a gentle warm-up period, or are brand new to exercise, (this creating a second gear from being sedentary) or actually training for a cardiovascular event such as a 10k run then ditch your in the 'cardio zone' heart rate training and start forcing yourself to improve not just functionally but your all important hormonal balance and increasing than super important metabolic rate.

Now you're maybe wondering, what do I do now?
Simple changes such as increasing the rate of speed whilst jogging to increase work load for a short period (30-45 seconds ) then slowing down, repeated 4-6 times coupled with muscular exercises back to back to increase heart rate, increasing  volume, ( EPOC - another blog) and core exercises whilst start bringing back changes you've not had in a while and not only that - revisiting that motivation and confidence you once got a buzz from at the start and develop yourself  further and better- remember its a marathon not a race! But you have to go in the right direction

Hope this helps and thanks for reading!

Any questions, feel free to contact me

Kind Regards


Personal Trainer - Online Consultant - Nutritional Adviser